DGT60: MAXI "GOLIAH" WEIGHT INDICATOR-REPEATER DGT60 indicator / repeater. Dimensions in mm. DGT60BC / DGT60AN ...
DGT60: MAXI "GOLIAH" WEIGHT INDICATOR-REPEATER DGT60 indicator / repeater. Dimensions in mm. DGT60BC / DGT60AN / DGT60PB FUNCTIONSTHROUGH KEYBOARD: Zeroing; Semi automatic and presettable tare, print and/or data transmission; ON/Stand-by.SELECTABLE: High Resolution Weighing x 10; Net/Gross or lb/kg conversion; Weighs totalisation; Formulation; Approved transmission of the weight to PC/PLC (with ALMEM Alibi memory option); Counting; In/Out Truck weighing;
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